August 15, 2008

Model Trips

I don't know what's funnier, the model's wobbly ankles, or the anchors laughter!!

August 08, 2008

Breaking Dawn........Hmmm.

Well, I must say that the book was not what I expected it to be. I didn't hate it, but if it had been the first book in the series, I wouldn't have read any of the others... I thought Jake's book was especially bad and incredibly BRUTAL! Bella's books were not that bad. Not my favorite, but at least we have closure.... I think.

Oh thank the heaven's above!

Well if you live in Maricopa, you'll completely understand. McDonald's opened today!!! Yea! Finally we have a place to go in town where the kids can play and the moms can have 79 cent ice cream cones! Hallelujah!

August 07, 2008

Dancing Princesses!

Emily started dance classes on Monday. She was a little hesitant at first, but she soon got into the groove! We got her a leotard and some jazz shoes, which she can't wait to wear.... They are way to cute for their own good!!

August 01, 2008

OOOOOH that one hurt!

I'm sorry, but this is HUH-la-RIOUS! I'm sure I'm going to hell for laughing, but I just can't help it! He loves me anyway! By the way the tooth finally did come out a few days later with much less force...

Sunday afternoon pictures in Denver

4th of July in Denver