March 31, 2008

Emily and Mommy

Emily and I usually have a lot of fun during the day.  We were fooling around with the camera and managed to capture some cute ones!  She's my little angel baby, who we also call the devil!  


David and Nikki said...

Oh my Gosh! Heather Heinz...this is Nikki(Sandberg)Hepworth! I can't believe I found you on here. I think about you often and am excited to catch up with you:)

Angela said...

Heather, You are so funny! Of course I remember you, besides the fact that you did my hair for my wedding! lol. I'm glad you found me! I'm still in Yuma, believe it or not. Busy and happy! I hope you don't mind if I add you to my friend list! :) Bye!

Sioux said...

I know, I can't believe Megan is a teenager, wait, I'm the mother of a teenager, whew, I think I need a drink! Your little girl looks so much like you, that same cherubic face, but I bet there is a mischevious streak under it all, just like you!