April 10, 2008

Another One Bites the Dust

Well folks, Ethan's lost his second tooth.  This time it wasn't quite as fun as the first one.  Jeff helped it along, and there was some blood... Neither of which Ethan was a fan of!  He has at least three others wiggling around in there! I just hope a few start to grow in before anymore fall out! 


Bob, Meghan, Bella, Lola, and Liam! said...

Enjoy the gap-toothed grin while it lasts! He'll only look this way once in his life! Sooooo cute

David and Nikki said...

You have the happiest kids! I can't wait to meet up with you sometime:) We definitely have some catching up to do! I need a hair change too...not to mention some covering of gray hairs!