October 21, 2008

We've Got an Alien.

Well, we are going to have a new baby! Yea! We are very excited. Emily asks nearly every day if the baby is coming out tomorrow. She is going to be a great big sister and can hardly wait to help. Ethan has always loved babies, even when he was still a baby himself. We are due March 20th. (I'm hoping for the 22nd or 23rd so I can finish my last week of work.) We are NOT going to find out what the baby is. Don't start your whining. It's our last one, as far as we're concerned. We, meaning I, think it would be fun to find out what the sex is the day the baby pops out. Haha. So there it is. One more of the cutest babies that ever graced the earth will soon be part of our family. I think the picture looks like an alien...haha! I kept having dreams about twins so I made the doctor look. Just one. :)


john:and:aim said...

Congrats! How exciting. We didn't find out either with Kaisha & Kerianne and it was truly awesome. There are few real surprises in life, you know...

The Griffins said...

Aw Congrats!! I'm so excited for you two!

Sabra said...

Congratulations! I always want to wait to find out, but Bobby can't stand it. He has to know. Good for you!

JennyandTyler said...

Congradulations! I am so excited for you! Yay for babies!

Adrienne and Darren said...

Congratulations! I am so excited that you are going to have another baby. How are you feeling?