November 07, 2008

Emily's Trip to the Dairy Farm

Today Emily and I went with her class to a dairy farm here in the valley. I was very impressed! The kids got to interact with all the animals and even got to flavor their own milk. Lots of fun. Here's some of what we did. Notice there are no pictures of any cows.....


Bob, Meghan, Bella, Lola, and Liam! said...

Look at you little miss movie maker! Gotta love the part where Emily gets clobbered by the horse...priceless!

Jenny said...

Okay, totally cute! I by the way am totally impressed by your video posting abilities. I love Emily's little princess diva crown at the farm

Rushele said...

Emily is so cute!! Looks like she had fun.
That horse was getting pretty friendly with her, bet she was loving that! I noticed she didn't ever leave the front of the line.
So, no pictures of cows from a visit to a DIARY farm? Interesting!