December 08, 2008

Officially a Boy

Well folks, it's happened. My son is now a full fledged boy. This evening after I called Ethan and Emily in from playing, I caught Ethan doing what every boy must be programed to do. I was coming around the corner and there he is, standing with the fridge door wide open, ready to take a drink of milk. RIGHT FROM THE JUG. I thought this didn't occur until puberty was upon them. I was wrong. I can only wonder how often he does it or if this was his first attempt. Heaven willing he'll wait until puberty to try again.


Bob, Meghan, Bella, Lola, and Liam! said...

Hahahahaha!!! That is HILARIOUS! I love that kid.

Rushele said...

What, you don't like it when others drink straight from the jug?
I see no problem........