April 24, 2008

7 Things About Me

Well here we go folks.  My friend Sioux tagged me. The challenge: 7 things most people don't know about me.  Seven is a BIG number! This really makes you think about how truly crazy you are. 
1. BOOGERS. I HATE boogers with a passion.  They make me want to vomit. If I see a little kid with them running down their face or the ADULT (usually male) picking one out, I'm instantly nauseous.
2. I'm uncomfortable in large groups of people where you are supposed to be socializing.  I get very shy and clam up.  I'm much better with small groups of 2 or 3 people.  Surprising, I know, considering I could find something to say to a tree.
3. I actually like to cook.  Some of you may be laughing right now, however, I've gotten quite good at it.  I even get the gourmet cooking magazines!!
4. Creme Brulee.  I LOVE this stuff.  If it's on a menu, I have to have it.  I don't care if I'm on a diet that day or not.  It's going to be in my tummy.  My favorite place for it is a restaurant in Mesa called the Blue Adobe Grill.  YUM.  Gourmet Mexican food AND creme brulee.  What more do you need??
5. I hate laundry.  Everything about it. Washing, drying, folding, hanging it up or putting it in a drawer.  Hate it.
6. I would LOVE to go sky diving and bungee jumping some day.  I think that it would feel so free.  Yes. I know I'm crazy.  Here's the really funny part.  I have a panic attack whenever I get to close to the edge of something high.  The grand canyon, a roof top, the second level at the mall... 
7. Jeff says I snore sometimes. I have large adenoids and when my allergies are acting up, they get even bigger, and I can't breathe.  So it's not my fault. 

So there you have it.  The seven most interesting things you'll ever know about a person! Haha!  I tag:
Jenny, Nikki, and Candi.


David and Nikki said...

Oh this is going to be fun...THANKS!!!! I enjoyed reading your post! I really can't wait to see you sometime:)

Jenny said...

large adenoids... sure sure!

Bob, Meghan, Bella, Lola, and Liam! said...

I'm with you on the large, social groups thing. I can never figure out who to talk to. It's only okay if someone I know really well is with me and I can stick with that one person all night. Surprising for 2 hairdressers who spend their days talking to people they just met! Love you!

Beth said...

you must be related to me, we have all those things in common. including the sky diving!!

love you